Join CMC board members Erwin Karl and Howard Raab for an interesting and educational mushroom walk in NYC-DEP’s beautiful Brush Ridge area at Koop Rd, Highmount. This is a chance to learn about many of the mushrooms in the area and perhaps even bring some home. You may want to bring a small basket or paper bags for collecting. We’ll meet at the Highmount Post Office at 11:00 am and car pool to the site.
— this event is full — no additional participants can be accommodated.
Event Duration: 2 miles, 2-3 hours
Level of Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
Leader(s): Howard Raab and Erwin Karl
Bring: basket or paper bags
Registration required by 10/3/2016. Use registration form below to register.
Group size is limited so register early.
Fee: No
Dogs allowed: Yes, leashed only
Questions about this event can be directed to: or (845) 586-3112
Driving Directions:
Meet at the Highmount post office on Galli Curci Rd (49A) just off of State Rte 28, Highmount NY.