“Close Encounters: Snakes and Amphibians of the Catskills,” with Raquel Pallak. A survey of the most common herpetofauna one would meet on a Catskill trail. A visual guide will be provided and perhaps a live guest (or two).
Sponsored by: Woodchuck Lodge
Event Duration: 1 hour
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Bring: chair or blanket
Registration required: No
Fee: No
Dogs allowed: Yes, leashed only
Additional Information: Woodchuck Lodge, boyhood home of John Burroughs, is an historic landmark containing exhibits that give insights into the rural lifestyle of the eighteenth century and the life of Burroughs himself. He is buried a short walk up the road at Burroughs Memorial Field State Historic Site, open from dawn to dusk with an outdoor exhibit about the Burroughs’ life and work.
Questions about this event can be directed to: (845) 586-4973
Driving Directions: 1633 Burroughs Memorial Road. From Route 30, take Hardscrabble Rd. 1 mile north of hamlet of Roxbury. Bear left at Burroughs Memorial Road. Go another mile, Lodge on right.